So last night I found out that I was chosen as a finalist for the Miss Pole Dance Oklahoma competition and I’m thrilled about this opportunity. I am one of three wonderful ladies that will be going there to represent Texas. I’ve dubbed us as TEAM TEXAS, which consists of myself, Tricia Lauerman (2012 Miss Texas Pole Star Masters Champ) and Stephanie Brinlee.
I’ve grown a lot since my first pole competition (MTPS 2011) and I am looking forward to showing everyone. Last November I competed at the Southern Pole Championships in Houston, but I don’t feel like I was as prepared for it as I would have liked. This time around I plan on crossing all my T’s and dotting all my I’s – this means actually having a plan for makeup and hair before the day of the competition! And I’m lucky to have a great support system behind me to help me along the way.
With the competition literally just around the corner I know that I need to turn up my training. Over the last month I’ve been going to Stretch and Contortion class at Vertical Fitness Dallas twice a week, and also going to Pole After Dark at Zensual once a week. I can already seen progress in my flexibility (as seen in the photo) and my dance fluidity. In addition to keeping these classes as a part of my weekly practice routine, I plan to also add 2-3 additional days of pole practice into the mix. This past week, I’ve also started a new diet and hope to drop a few more pounds before competition. I think I’m off to a good start for competition prep! Now I just need a song and a few good runs!
Trick of the week is a continuation of last week’s 2-point handstand. If you missed it last week or if you haven’t gotten it all the way down then continue working on it this week. Here’s the how to:
Transitioning into the Chopper
Make sure that you’re in a stable, well-balanced handstand. Rotate at the waist as you own your legs to a straddle position to allow your inside leg (hint: the one closest to the pole) to move behind the pole. At this point you should be in a straddled 2-point handstand. Making sure that the hand on the pole has a firm grip, go ahead lift your floor hand and bring it up to the pole to meet your other hand in a traditional chopper position.
Watch and Learn!
Things to keep in mind when doing this trick:
1. Use your CORE to control your movement.
2. Do NOT bend your arms when doing handstands. Bend (also called “breaking”) your arms that will cause you to buckle and hit the floor head first.
3. If you feel like you’re falling out of the trick lower your feet back to the ground or tuck your chin into your chest and then roll forward.
4. Before trying the transition into the Chopper be sure that you have a STABLE 2-point handstand.
5. When you start the transition to chopper be sure that your pole hand is secure.
Also, if you’re doing the February Handstand Challenge then this is a good way to get your handstand for today in! 😉
So school is officially back underway and I’ve literally been buried in my studies. In the last 3 days alone I’ve read two books (over 500 pages) and written 11 pages of reports. Despite all of the reading and course work, I must say that I am very much enjoying grad school. My current course is Management Operations and it has been the best class of grad school so far. In addition to gaining a wealth of new knowledge and practices, I’ve also been able to gain deeper understanding, appreciation and history for concepts that had previous been introduced to me by others. I knew the “What” but now I better understand the “Why” and “How” of things, and I am looking forward to applying these concepts and methods to my business endeavors.
What I finding most interesting about grad school is that despite the amount of work it requires, it’s not all that hard. Though at the beginning of this graduate program, I almost feel as if this has been more beneficial to me than my undergraduate coursework. I really think that this should have been the level of learning and work endured during my undergrad years. Or maybe it’s just the maturity and experience experience I’ve had since my ACU days that has better prepared and equipped me for this journey of educational development. Regardless, I am really happy that I finally got myself back into school…and that I have a 4.0! Grad school has always been a goal of mine. Unfortunately because of my foot problems (4 breaks in 4 years and a surgery) I had to keep putting school off. Now I am finally back on track towards earning this Master’s degree, even more so looking forward to putting the information, concepts and methods I learned to work.
I love doing handstands during my routines and coming up with fun ways to get into and out of various handstands. I call this week’s trick a “two-point handstand”…because you have two different points of contact that allow you to execute your handstand. Before attempting the trick you should be comfortable with doing a traditional handstand. If you’re not quite ready for this handstand variation no worries! You can start by working on traditional handstands against the wall or against your pole.
Getting into the Move
Your first anchor point (hand) will be on the pole. This arm will be in a twisted grip position, thumb up. Your second anchor point (hand) will be on the floor in a traditional handstand position. Be sure that you are pushing hard into the floor with this hand, as this will help you keep your shoulders tight so that you can hold the elevated position. You will also want to slightly contract your abs, as they will stablize you. As you are going up into the handstand be sure NOT to lean forward or allow your legs to push your torso forward past the pole.
When beginning this trick it helps to first pop up into a tight ball. This will centralize your motion and once you can hold the position then work on extending your legs up straight. When doing the straight leg extension be sure to keep your feet together as flailing legs will disrupt your ability to balance. If you want to do a more advanced version, instead of popping into the ball you can use your core to slowly bring legs up from the floor in a Pike or Straddle position – you’ll want a steady balance before making the ascent. Make this trick your own by playing with the leg positioning. You can lower your legs into a pike position or do a controlled straddle decent into a split.
Watch and Learn!
Things to keep in mind when doing this trick:
1. Use your CORE to control your movement.
2. Do NOT bend your arms when doing handstands. Bend (also called “breaking”) your arms that will cause you to buckle and hit the floor head first.
3. If you feel like you’re falling out of the trick lower your feet back to the ground or tuck your chin into your chest and then roll forward.
I think Thursday is now my other favorite day of the week in addition to FreeStyle Friday! Even though it is the longest night of my week, I’m definitely digging Thursdays because of my new class routines. I started off the night with some cardio; I made it a little past my goal of 45 minutes. Then ran home with just enough time to shower, empty my memory card, talk my bestie into going to pole class with me and make it to Vertical Fitness Dallas for Stretch and Contortion class. During class we worked on straddles and splits. While my middle split is S-L-O-W-L-Y progressing, I am happy to say that my left split and my over-split on my right side are coming along very well! We did’t get to work on back bends this week but I’m looking forward to hopefully getting that in next week or maybe a little practice on my own. After stretch class I stayed for a bit to record some spins for possible use in a future VFD promo. It’s funny how your mind goes blank when you’re put on the spot. I couldn’t remember half the spins that I know. But I was able to knock out a few good ones, including my all-time favorite: Kandy Kane!
After Stretch class we darted around the corner just in time for Pole After Dark at Zensual. This class is so much fun. I love the atmosphere and how relaxed and laid back the class is. We’re able to go in, get some sensual basics and then just let the music take control and move our bodies. Switching the music up each week – R&B and Rock – is also fun. I enjoy being exposed to new music and seeing how my dance and my body adjust to various songs. Despite being seriously tired, I decided to take another crack at our FreeStyle Friday song after class. It didn’t turn out as well as I would have hoped. I was noticeably tired from the 4 miles of cardio, stretch and contortion class and Pole After Dark class that I had done before recording this. However, I am happy that I was able to incorporate some new elements into this freestyle. Take a look…
Getting through last night’s cardio was much tougher than Monday’s cardio session. The stair climber was really kicking my butt! Somehow I managed to push through another 8+ miles and get it done. I admit that once I hit my minimum trainer-required 1,000 calories, I got a little excited and wanted to see how much more I could push myself. I was able to get in an extra 50 calories. Despite being dreadfully tired, seeing myself Push Past the fatigue really got me even more motivated about getting this body Fit and Fab. My poor clothes were weighed down with sweat…I think I was walking around with four pounds of sweat drenched clothes.
The good thing was that I after my workout and a quick shower, I got to go to Vertical Fitness Dallas for Flexibility, Stretch & Contortion Class. This was a great way to stretch out my tired and sore body, giving it some much needed relief. And I’m so glad that they are offering this class twice a week now. By attending both days, I’m hoping that I can really fast track my progression…especially when it comes to mastering my left split and getting my back bendy again. New flexy pictures coming soon! Right now this class and the Pole After Dark class at Zensual Dance are my two favorite and weekly must-have classes!
One of my goals for 2013 was to De-Clutter all aspects of my life – which largely includes reorganizing all of the files on my computers and dozens of flash drives. I’ve slowly been making progress and along the way have come across a few items that had slipped my mind. The other day I actually came across a memory card with pics from Miss Texas Pole Star’s Saturday night competition.
I remember being back stage with the contestants and the pros as they were getting ready but I totally forgot I had shot these. What I like most about these shots is that they were taken in the dressing room before the competition started. Since this isn’t an angle that most get to see I thought it would be fun to share these behind-the-scenes images from the competition. Better late than never! The images really show how fun and sassy all of these wonderful ladies are – despite any nervousness they may have had. I love the camaraderie among our Pole Community. Check out the “Lost” MTPS Album here!
So, even though I’ve been back in the gym with my trainer I haven’t really been hitting it as hard as I need to be…and my cardio game is seriously lacking. And despite being serious in talk about losing these last 15-20 pounds I don’t think I’ve been serious enough in my actions. I guess I’ve come to a point where I feel like I’ve been dragging my feet long enough and I’m tired of being in this in-between stage. I’m not sure if I’m a fat skinny girl or a skinny fat girl. So today I text my trainer (as I was doing cardio) and let him know that I AM READY. Change my diet, up my cardio and let’s get the last of this weight off.
To get this final phase kicked off I hit the gym tonight and got my cardio in on the stair machine. The assignment from my trainer was to do an hour of cardio. I pushed myself super hard and got in my hour and then some. I left the gym with wobbly jello legs but I felt great and reenergized. Oh, and hungry! Tonight is only the first night and I know that I still have a long road ahead. To help me stay focused and motivated on the last leg of this transformation I’ve committed myself up for some pole competitions/performances. And to add just a bit more pressure, my high school reunion is this summer (yep, I’m getting old!) and if I’m going back to Cali then I’m going back look and feeling GOOD.
I’m hoping that with these events on the line it will give me the additional drive and determination that I need to make it to the finish line…because that’s where my goal is…at the finish line. This year’s mission: Get fit or die trying.
When I started FreeStyle Friday I never imagined how quickly it would grow. The support from studios, pros and students has just been incredible. I am thrilled to hear from so many instructors and studios that have been inspired to start a FreeStyle Friday class at their studio.
A little background… FreeStyle Friday started as a personal challenge to myself. I knew that my dance and fluidity was seriously lacking when it came to my pole routines. The only way I knew to get better was to make myself dance more and document my progress. I told my a few close pole friends about this personal challenge to help give myself some support and also accountability – knowing that pressure and expectation would help me get the job done. Fortunately these pole sisters were so supportive that they started doing it with me and so I decided to share this challenge with others in our pole community to see who else would join in…and the rest is history!
I am honored to see the support that we are getting from studios that have been inspired to start scheduling FreeStyle Friday practice into studio time. I never imagined that a personal challenge could bloom and become part of the weekly schedule at pole studios.
If you’re thinking about scheduling a weekly FreeStyle Friday class or jam session, I have a few pieces of advice to share: Getting Started…
One of the hardest things about free styling is the lack of structure and direction. Many students may be feeling this as they enter class, so I suggest giving them a jump start at the beginning of class. Start by asking them what they want to incorporate into their freestyles. You can brainstorm on how to work this into the class during your warm up. After your warm up you can explore some basic transitions and combos (and some variations) based off of what your students voiced. Often the Trick of the Week might be a great option to help get started. This will not only offer students a starting point but it also will help with getting all of their muscles warmed up and engaged.
Class Format…
My suggested format for FreeStyle Friday classes is that they should be minimally structured classes that are a blend of pole levels 2 /3 and Open Pole. This allows for a little bit of instruction and then plenty of free time for the girls to pole around on their own. Most likely you’ll have a group of girls at various levels skill wise, so its always a good idea to keep it on a level that everyone is comfortable with. It’s OK to put the FreeStyle Friday song for that week on repeat. (Students can tune in and out during warm up and initial instruction.) This will introduce the song to those that haven’t heard it and allow everyone to get a feel for the music and come up with some moves they want to incorporate.
When it comes to recording…
Give students 2-3 chances to record as a group but also encourage them to record individually. Often we may feel more comfortable recording as a group, but what can happen is is that we can stop focusing on our own dance and instead tune into what others are doing and mirror or try keep up with them. Or after the recording when we are reviewing, we often make the mistake of using that time to compare ourselves to those that we were dancing with/nearby instead of critiquing ourselves. It’s great to work as a group but I want to emphasize the underlying goal of personal growth.
You’ll also have students that are shy and won’t want to record. Encourage them, give them a little push but don’t force them and don’t single them out. Asking them to join you for class next week will make them feel more connected and encouraged…and maybe next week they’ll feel more ready. Also, you can let students know that it’s OK to record and NOT post. Just because they record that doesn’t mean they have to post. At the end of the day my goal is just for everyone to monitor their progress, identify what they do well and where to improve so that they can see their growth. Keep the recordings to themselves or sharing with instructors or FSF admin is quite all right.
Remind them of their options…
Options can sometimes ease the mind and help students relax enough to get through their dance. And I know from experience, once you get through that first dance, it gets easier and easier from there. So to help with this remind them that they are welcome to change things up in any way that works best for them. This includes skipping pole work and doing FreeStyle Floorwork, FreeStyle wall work and FreeStyle chair work (let them know they don’t have to be on the pole). For those that do want to incorporate pole work let them know that they don’t have to invert or do any hard tricks. Working on spin combinations or putting that often forgotten left side to work is always a great option!
Remembering to breath and hold their tricks is key. Let them know it’s better to do 3 tricks that they can fully extend and hold, as opposed to sloppily doing 6 rushed tricks. Less is MORE 🙂
Something else you can do is have your students switch poles throughout the song. This encourages more movement and variety in their dance. You can rotate them through verbal direction every 45-90 seconds.
Often the idea of having to make it through an entire song (especially when first beginning FreeStyle Friday) can be the element that holds students back from recording. So in this case let them know that they can dance the intro only or come in during the middle of the song.
I hope this information helps! If you need help setting up your FreeStyle Friday class or have any questions please let me know!
This week’s trick of the week is called the Bomb…no literally it’s called a “BOMB”. What I like about this trick is that not only can it be used in the middle of your routine (a great time to steal a quick breath) but it also makes a great starting position for routines. You can alway work on other ways to get into and out of the Bomb. If you’re comfortable holding with just your legs then throw in some fun arm styling.
Coming out of the trick you can bring your hands to the ground and go into a Crucifix or Handstand. To go back up the pole then you can go into a Pike and then transition into a Superman. You can even throw in a Shoulder Mount from there.
If you’re playing around with the Exclamation Point be sure to practice it on both sides, and as always you can make it your own by playing with the bends in your legs. If you’re ready to take it to the next level then you can use it as a transition into a pike or your Jade split.
Things to keep in mind when doing this trick:
1. Be sure that you are squeezing your legs together to keep you secure on the pole.
2. Your hands can lightly grasp your the outside of your thighs (hamstrings) to help shape the Ball-like position of the Bomb.
3. If you are doing the Exclamation Point be sure that you keep that extended leg STRAIGHT and your toes POINTED. There is a tendency to have a slight bend at the knee but fight that urge.