Why Hire A Personal Trainer?
I get this question often: I have fitness goals, but do I really need to hire a personal trainer? Most people want to think that they could get by without one, but if was that simple wouldn’t you have already achieved your fitness goals? Wouldn’t the rest of the world? And would the personal training industry still exist? The truth is that we all need help sometimes and that more than likely, YES, you do need a trainer.
What About Other Training Options?
When it comes to working out, there are certainly plenty of options: online coaching, group classes, bootcamps, online videos, apps, purchasing a written program, DIY, but the key element missing from each is the personalization and adaptation of the workout and periodization. These are things that you are only going to get when working directly with a trainer.
The DIY Method
Let’s dig into this topic a little more…There are instances where people set out to train themselves, and they do well! What you don’t often see, hear and know about that journey is that there is a learning curve required. Those that are successful in training themselves AND get results, also have the m
Is Getting A Trainer REALLY Necessary?
Some people see personal trainers as a waste of money. But the truth is, investing in a personal trainer is really an investment in YOUR health and fitness; it’s an investment in YOU. So is that really a waste? Just as we go to a doctor, lawyers, hairstylist, nail technician for their expertise and craft, why is a personal trainer any different? Having a trainer by your side means that you’ll have a safe program built around your goals and abilities.
Benefits Of Having A Personal Trainer
With a personal trainer comes a variety of benefits that cater to the various needs of people. For some it’s the accountability that comes along with regular appointments and someone waiting for your arrival and activity, some need the guidance you get with programming and periodization, assistance with proper technique and learning about your bodies, helping you learn more about your daily habits and attitudes in regards to diet, exercise, stress, and other factors, others need that motivational support or the counseling and growth that inevitably comes with many seasoned trainers. Regardless of what that “What” is for you, there is always something to be gained which makes the investment worth it. Especially when the altnertaiveis being in the same current place this time next month, next year, or even five years from now.
Why Do People Try To Talk You Out Of Getting A Trainer?
Well for the same reason they try to discourage you from other things, because of their own fears, insecurities or unsureness. Although unfair, it is common to project thoughts, emotions, and energies onto other people. Most often when people give argument to the necessity or validity of having a personal trainer, its because they may have had an unpleasant experience in the past, don’t yet see the value in themselves or are scared to take a chance on something unfamiliar. Don’t allow what’s holding them back to hold you back. If you have your goal and know that you need help, then go get the help.
Occasionally you’ll come across haters or people that just don’t want to see you do better than them because of fear of being left behind. They may try to discourage you with the idea of failure or unattainability. Again, do not allow yourself to be held back by anyone. People will doubt you, at times you may doubt yourself, but remember why you started and that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Failures are not final, they are simply learning opportunities.
January 16, 2020 @ 5:17 PM