I’ve been trying to cut down on meat, but still enjoy tasty eats. (More on the why behind going meatless later) Besides moving towards a healthier me, it’s hot as hell outside and so any opportunity to eat light and not turn on the oven is surly welcomed in my house! I’d like to share my current obsession: LOADED VEGETARIAN TACOS!!! I think these vegetarian tacos are my new fav and they were easy to make. Each one is fully loaded with lots of guacamole, black beans, corn, peppers, cilantro and lime. Talk about yummy on the tummy!!! They’re vegan and dairy-free, too – assuming you don’t add any extra condiments!
You can check out the original recipe at: http://soupaddict.com/2014/06/loaded-guacamole-vegetarian-tacos
Since I’m always on the go and limited on time, I took a few short cuts by getting pre-cut and pre-mixed elements.
Here’s my on-the-go recipe hack:
– Frozen Southwest Mix (check in the frozen food section) It’s a blend of corn, black beans, onions and peppers.
– 1 can organic black beans (From Trader Joes)
– Seasoning: ground cumin, chili pepper, paprika and pepper
– Pre-made guacamole (From Tom Thumb, and now they have Mild AND Spicy!)
– Pre-cut onions (From Tom Thumb, and they were actually diced)
– Mini Corn Tortillas
Garnish (Optional)
– Lime
– Cilantro
– Green Sauce
I simply cooked the Southwest mix according to the directions on the package, which was a quick 3 min boil followed by a 10 min simmer. Then I mixed in the organic black beans during the simmer. I warmed the corn tortillas on the stove and then proceeded to load them with ALL the fillings. And then nom nom nom!!! These vegetarian tacos are surprisingly filling. I had a lot of questions from people asking if I really got full, since they were meatless and the answer is YES! I usually eat 2-3, but it really just depends on how much you stuff in them. And if you still feel hungry after, you could always eat another.
Quick tip: The corn tortillas are really delicate and will break if you overstuff. You also have the option of doubling up on the tortillas for a little extra durability as you chow down! Also, if you want a little extra kick you can mix in some poblano peppers. Tip from a friend: take the skin off before eating!
When I started thinking about what it was I wanted to share with the world, and really the point of my presence in teaching and on social media, it required me to reflect on my personal experiences and growth. Eventually it hit me, duhhhh: Flexibility and Fitness (shortened to FlexyFit because who wants to type that much lol), and because after all, these have both developed into not only my passion but my obsession. Both were also things that I had growing up, then lost in adulthood and had to regain. My journey back to flexibility and fitness has been a rollercoaster and it’s what I want to share with you. So whether you had it and are looking to get it back or you never had it and you’re wanting to develop flexibility and/or fitness at this stage in your life: YOU CAN!
So let’s back track a bit and talk about how I ended up where I did. How did I lose my flexibility and fitness? Through life and injury. Like most youngsters, I took my fit-ish body and my flex-Ability for granted; they were just things that I always had. Never did I think that I could lose them. But as we all know, life throws you curve balls (sometimes lemony ones lol) and those curves lead me down the path of weight gain and a serious loss of flexibility. After 4 foot breaks and a subsequent foot surgery, a broken rib, work stress, a failed engagement and depression, I found myself at 260+ pounds with severely limited flexibility. And through it all I was living in denial about the state of my health and weight. I still considered myself just “curvy” and “thick”…and likely because when I did look in the mirror, I was looking past myself and not at myself. Only looking back now, do I realize how over-weight and unhealthy I was.
Eventually I did have to face myself in the mirror and realize the I needed to take responsibility and accountability for what I’d let happy to my body. The path that I was on was only leading to failure and further health issues. One day I had to tell myself, enough is enough and that it was time for a (much needed) change. I won’t say that it’s been an easy journey back. It’s taken years of work to reclaim my flexibility and fitness; and let me say that I appreciate them so much more now. Being that I really had to work for them this time around, I also understand what it takes to earn them…from a dedication and educational standpoint. I understand the work, the mindset, the practice, the disciple, the sacrifice. The most impactful part of my journey back to a FlexyFit life, was the huge learning curve I invited in. As I progressed on my journey, I set out to learn more about the body, how it works and what it takes to safely achieve fitness and flexibility goals. This newfound knowledge has changed the way that I work, how I train others and how I live.
To take it a step further, I learned that there was more to living a FlexyFit life than just from a physical health and wellness standpoint. Being flexible and fit also applies to emotional, mental, spiritual/universal and financial health and (and is where I’m focusing much of my energies on now). With each of these areas, I had to adjust the way I thought, my expectations, my behaviors and my reactions, because growing up we are conditioned to have certain thoughts and expectations, but life really just doesn’t work that way. Once I realized that I could take the same growth mindset and apply it to other areas of my life, things started to click and become more clear. I gave up trying to control everything and started focusing my efforts on just handling whatever comes my way. And giving up the desire to control is HARD…especially for a Taurus.
So now, my goal in life and my focus with clients is to help them unlock the door to flexibility and fitness so that they can create a healthier, more enjoyable life. I hope that you continue to join me on that journey!!!
I get comments from people all the time saying: “you don’t even look like the same person.” This happens when I post progress pics, before & after comparisons, and even when I see people I haven’t seen in a while. And you know what, they are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! I don’t look like the same person because I AM NOT the same person. You can not stay the same when you are trying to evolve. There’s no way that I could maintain the same habits, behaviors, attitude, ways of thinking and accomplish this transformation.
So much in my life is different:
✔️What I like
✔️What I tolerate
✔️What I eat
✔️What I drink
✔️How I sleep
✔️Where I work
✔️How I work
✔️ Who I deal with
✔️ How I schedule my days
YEP, PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING! And honestly, changing all of these things is what helped me free myself from the hamster wheel I was on so that I could become a better, healthier version of me. And let me tell you, becoming ME 2.0 was the greatest creative project I’ve ever done. In working on my health, I also changed my perspective on many things. I’ve been able to improve all areas of my life because it’s required me to analyze my life and focus on me. I have shed things and people that did not serve purpose. I learned to say no and stand up for myself. I learned that conflict can be healthy and have developed better conflict resolution skills. I am able to better Manage my energy and eliminated energy vampires from my life (more on this later). I had to embrace the idea that less is more and let go of the things, people and habits that did not support the life that I wanted for me.
So ask yourself, what’s standing in the way if you living your best life and being your best self? What can you change or let go of to get to a better you?
Although the title of this blog post refers to flexibility, as it was sparked by the recent posting of an extremely alarming and dangerous video, this concern really applies to all types of classes and teaching. There’s a video floating around of a instructor manually putting students into a contorted position. This “technique” was not only unsafe but potentially paralyzing, and could have left someone seriously hurt. Not only were these students being forced into a position, they had a rod pressed against their cervical spine (not at all where the pole should even be if you’re properly performing a spatchcock). On top of that, after being warped around the rod, they were pulled upright by the bar onto their tailbones and then turned onto their backs. I cringed as as I watched this, and I cringe as I continue to discuss this with others in the industry. And to quote another fellow instructor: “the heels, the ankles, the knees! So many potential injuries.” Training methods should not put students at risk for injury…point blank. There were just so many areas where things could have gone wrong, and for no reason because there are so many safer ways to train this particular skill.
Now, my goal is not to shame those involved, but rather to shed light on the need for responsible teaching. While many of the extreme training methods being shared socially are full of ooh and awe, these so called novelty techniques are dangerous and can lead to serious injury. There are safer, smarter ways to achieve the skills you desire. As instructors (or anyone that has a social media following/fan base) we need to be cautious about the teaching and training methods we share because people are watching and many of them try to replicate what they see. The only thing worse than seeing this video unfold, were the comments on the video. People (who I’m sure didn’t know any better) were impressed. With over 10k views and hundreds of comments left on this video, it’s definitely generating a lot of attention. However, many of the comments are from viewers praising the post and calling it genius and stating their desire to try this same “technique”. And this is not the first incident of this type. Last year a video surfaced of a cheer coach that was forcing a student into splits, which led to the young lady being serious injury. Not only was her body not ready for that position, she was clearly in panic mode and tensed up, which only further added her pain and suffering because her body was in the flight or fight phase. Then there was a workshop that I attended a while back with a cirque professional, that consisted of no warmup and then her preceding to place us in vulnerable positions and sit on us, all while knowing nothing about us or our ability levels. These tactics are UNACCEPTABLE.
As instructors, it’s okay to have the urge to get creative with our teaching methods. I mean it does keep classes interesting and enjoyable, but safety should ALWAYS take precedent over creativity. Practicing safe teaching methods is only the tip of the iceberg. There’s more areas of concern that keep arising. Instructors and students reading this, please pay attention to these things in the classes you teach/attend. When trying to make your body healthier, stronger, more flexible you should not be putting it in more danger. So what should we see more of in classes and training?
Gentle Coaching and Proper Technique:
Students should never be placed or forced into any position. It’s okay to coach them, guide them, provide tactical cues and make minor adjustments HOWEVER we shouldn’t be manually manipulating them into forced poses that they clearly aren’t ready for. This also includes not sitting on students. This is especially true (1) when it comes to the pole/aerial world where we have a lot of older adults that come in with little to no experience or previous training and are more susceptible to injury and (2) when it comes to workshops or other instances where you are training people that you aren’t familiar with their bodies and ability levels. Hell, I barely even touch new students. Which I admit can come off as favoritism towards vets, but really it’s for their own safety. I like to get to know my students ability, challenges, bodies, etc before just jumping in and physically torturing them (insert evil smile here).
Proper and thorough warm-up
Warm ups are just that: to WARM THE BODY UP and get it prepped for the workout. That means the heart rate and body temperature should rise, increase blood flow to the joints, ligaments and tendons. Hopefully, you get slightly out of breath and break a sweat. I’ve seen, heard and been to classes that had insufficient warmups and it’s scary. Along the same lines, because my warmups are thorough, for some they are seen as too intense and has scared a few people away. I’m okay with that. I’d rather have you warmed up properly and mad at me than put you at risk for injury.
Leveling and Sequencing
How instructors prepare and train students for tricks/skills is important. Hint: there’s a reason why we go through grade school before high school and college, and why we learn our ABC’s first before reading and writing essays. A solid foundation helps set you up for success and reduce risk of injury. Ensuring that are properly primed by focusing on form, breaking skills down into levels and sequencing the foundational building blocks is key. From there ensuring that they not only know, but practice, proper technique, and form while providing progressions, strengthening and conditioning should also be a part of the process.
Continuing education and training
As instructors, we should never stop learning. Whether you’re investing in training courses or doing solo studying, we should always keep working to improve our craft and knowledge and keep up with the advancements of our students and the evolving aerial/fitness industry.
Referrals…Yep, don’t be afraid to refer a student elsewhere
I don’t know everything and you know what? I’m OKAY with that. No one knows everything. So if a student asks me something that’s outside of my expertise, I am quick to refer them to a doctor, sports doctors, chiropractor or massage therapist. Why speculate when I can send them to someone qualified to assess, diagnose and treat? If it’s something I feel like I probably should be more familiar with or want to know more about then I will take the time to research and learn more about it. Along those same lines, I follow up to see what the outcome was so I can add that knowledge to my toolbox for the future, AND because I care!
That being said, instructors we need to do better! Not just in teaching but also in educating our students. Students, please don’t let instructors do just anything to you. If something doesn’t seem right or feel right, don’t do it. Speak up, ask questions, raise concerns. You only get ONE body. Do not comprise your health and well-being in pursuit of a goal. Know that whatever skills/abilities you desire, they can be achieved but you want to go through the proper channels so that you can safely achieve those skills.
Questions, thoughts, concerns? Want more details on how to train safely? Give me a shout!
Worrying whether or not the pole instructor will be able to spot me
Wondering if classmates are looking at and judging my gut hanging over my shorts
Having more concern about being too heavy to spot, rather than being able to focus on executing the move
Advancing slower than my classmates because climbing and inverting perplex my body
How it feels to hear that I “probably can’t do something because of my size”
My pole and fitness journey started in 2009, at the age of 24 and at one of the heaviest points in my life…literally and figuratively. Growing up I was active and fit, and gave little thought to my weight. Gymnast, soccer player, varsity cheerleader, pageant girl, I did it all and could never have predicted the twist and turns that the future would bring. As I ventured into adulthood, my body seemed to turn on me. Between four broken feet, surgery, an extremely stressful corporate job, school, family drama, relationship drama, etc… (yeah the normal wear-and-tear of life) my mental and physical health began to spiral out of control. It’s taken years for me to undo the damage that was done and reclaim myself and my life. However, it is all of these experiences that have led me to where I am now and, more importantly, who I am now. This Priceless Transformation I’ve experienced has humbled me and taught me so much. These experiences guide me through my work in the studio as I interact with so many amazing women who are trying to reclaim or establish a healthier lifestyle. And its because I’ve been there myself, that I understand the desire to be in a class and have someone and that not only looks more like me, but to also feel like “she understands me and my struggles”. I know that it’s also reassuring to work with a coach that has the strength to physically spot me. I use my experiences and struggles to create and operate a judgment-free zone, where every BODY feels comfortable. Where you feel like there might not be a way to do x,y,z, together we will find a way or create a way!
Long, strong, healthy nails: you can fake them or you can make them! For more than ten years, I’ve been faking them. As a dedicated consumer in the nail salon industry, I can only imagine the small fortune I’ve given away while simultaneously damaging my own nails beyond recognition. I jumped on the acrylic nail bandwagon shortly after high school because I desired length and strength, and I was on that “instant gratification” plan. As a result, over the past decade, my nails have slowly been deteriorating underneath vibrant, glossy layers of acrylic powder and gel polish.
The Early Days
Let’s go back, back into time. As a child, I was a nail biter and for as long as I can remember, I always had short nails. Initially, it was probably because I was biting them off and later in life, well, maybe it was just a side effect of my nibbling tendencies. While I had no nail health education or understanding, I did have an appreciation for nail polish and regularly kept my nails glammed up. As I got older, my shorties stayed short and my self-esteem had me feeling some kind of way about them. Like most other teenagers/young adult females, I began to analyze all that was me and compare it against the images from the media of what I
thought I was supposed to be. I didn’t feel like a real girl (whatever that is) with my short nails. I felt like they had to be long and “sexy”. I gave my nails power over my hands and power over me. Longer nails make me feel more womanly and more attractive, so I just had to have them.
Fast Forward
After spending so many years killing my nails softly, I was left with nails that would get semi-thick but remain short, or that would grow long (only underneath tips that had to be carefully removed) but be almost paper thin. I realized how counterintuitive getting acrylic nails was and so I jumped ship to getting UV gel polish, although that turned out to be just as harsh on my nails. The removal process for the gel polish requires soaking and drilling of the topmost layers, which still left my nails extremely thin. Another deciding factor was my history of bad breaks. Many times when I broke the acrylic I also broke my nail across the nail bed. The pain, the bleeding and the healing time for these breaks are a nightmare (especially as an aerialist and fitness guru). Deciding I had to get off this roller coaster, I made a decision to go natural.
New Beginnings
I set Nail Health as one of my 2017 goals, with the hope of getting my nails back to a healthy, strong status. This required me to make a long-term commitment to the goal of natural healthy nails and give up fake nails and gel polish indefinitely (hopefully permanently). I have been on this natural nail journey for seven months now and I’m quite satisfied with the results and mad at myself for not having made this change sooner. Basically, I went cold turkey. I started off by maintaining my last round of UV gel polish on my own. Each week I would file my nails down to try and keep them looking natural and seamless. Once I was able to safely remove the remaining layer of UV gel polish, the first thing that I noticed is that my nails were super unhealthy. They were thin, peeling, rough and the color was off.
My first milestone was to just get my nails back to a healthy state. I knew my nails had the ability to grow long, so I needed to focus on building a strong foundation. I kept them filed down, very short, and I invested in NailTek Intensive Therapy 4 and Develop 10 Calcium treatments which I apply on a weekly basis. For the first couple of months, my nails would grow out a little bit and then break, which was fine because I could see the healthy fingernail starting to come in.
Back to Me
Making the transition back to natural nails was painful…NOT. I always thought that short nails would make me feel different, like less of a woman. I quickly realized that not only was that not true but that I don’t really pay that much attention to my nails long or short. I found that the shorties don’t bother me as much as I thought that they would. My fear of short nails was all in my head. I am still a strong, sexy woman regardless of my nail length.
I also came to the realization that not taking care of my own nails gave me an excuse to be naive. Going natural helped me break free of that unhealthy ignorance and required me to learn about proper nail care habits, tools, and products. This process of relearning and caring for my own nails has given me some much needed ME time and resulted in a handful of other unexpected, yet appreciated benefits. Interestingly, I found that I’m saving about $120 a month now that I’m not making frequent visits to the nail salon. I also rediscovered my love for nail polish and remembered my Caboodle full of nail polish that I had as a child – back when the hardest decision I had to make was what color I should choose.
Shorties With A Boost
Even though I’ve been enjoying the healthy changes I’ve seen in my nails, at times I do find myself still longing for some length. I just have this wave of disappointment every time I break a nail, even though I know it’s not about winning the battle but rather about winning the war. Much like my hair, I’m like looking into protective styles that are easy to do.
I went out on a whim and purchased some fake nail tips. This was an idea that I got from a friend (Check out #megansmanis on IG to see some of her fun styles). She’s really big on nail design and is forever posting creative and perfectly polished digits. In one particular post, she mentioned that she too was tired of her shorties and added some length. I thought I’d give it a go too, as it would be a great way to protect my nail growth without compromising the nail health or thickness that I have been able to achieve over the last few months.
The Process
Maybe I’ll film a quick tutorial at a later time, but I’ll quickly walk you through the route I took. I won’t lie, it took a little bit of maneuvering and fidgeting initially, but it didn’t take too long to get the process down. First, I sized each finger and laid out the tips in order, with a duplicate set for my other hand. Then I actually did a little preliminary filing, that way I wouldn’t have to file as much once the tip was applied. From there I put a small dab of glue on the inside of the nail (not much is needed as it easily spreads) and then applied with light pressure to the tip of my nail. After allowing the glue to set and dry, I cut the nails down to the desired length and then filed the top so there were no clues as to where the tip ended and my nail began. From there, I applied my NailTek and Develop 10 Calcium (still gotta keep nail health and strength as my main focus) and after that, I layered glitter polish on the tips. I used Pure ICE polish (although OPI is my favorite brand) that I picked up at Walmart. Cheap with good quality! I’m happy to say that they turned out rather nice! I’m back to having a little bit a length, but not compromising my own nails in the process – I’m dubbing it: Mostly Natural! And thus the title of this blog post. I’m hoping that this will last at least a week…maybe two if I’m lucky!
*Between doing my nails and completing this blog, I actually broke one of my nails. I was relieved to see that only the tip popped off without any damage to my actual nail. Usually, with the powder they put on over the tips and UV Gel polish, there’s usually a lot more damage. I think by having only a dab of nail glue and polish over the top as the “adhesives” resulted in the acrylic tips not being as destructive to my nails.
Despite a slight learning curve, all it cost me was a fraction of what a visit to the nail salon would have been. It was $3.99 for the box of tips and $1.00 for the nail glue. Way more cost effective than my typical $120 visits to the nail salon. Over 90% savings and just as nice!
We’ll be getting eXtremely Flexy in this NEW all-levels flexibility class! Xtreme Flex is your go-to class for all-things stretchy, flexy and contortiony! Whether you are already super flexible or just getting started on your flexibility journey, we’ll take your flexibility to the next level and help you become stronger and more balanced along the way. Bring a buddy or make a friend in class because we’ll be using a combination of individual and partnered stretching, paired with various apparatuses, to push our bodies to the limit. We’ll be hitting all of your favorite spots: splits, hips, back, shoulders, chest, hand/arm balances and much more!
Proper Attire: Form-fitted leggings or tights, leg warmers and layers on top.
I’m super thrilled to share my newest weekly class with you!! We’ll be getting eXtremely Flexy in this NEW all-levels flexibility class! Xtreme Flex is your go-to class for all-things stretchy, flexy and contortiony! Whether you are already super flexible or just getting started on your flexibility journey, we’ll take your flexibility to the next level and help you become stronger and more balanced along the way. Bring a buddy or make a friend in class because we’ll be using a combination of individual and partnered stretching, paired with various apparatuses, to push our bodies to the limit. We’ll be hitting all of your favorite spots: splits, hips, back, shoulders, chest, hand/arm balances and much more! Aches, pains, stress, lack of flexibility, desire for more flexibility, obsession with extreme flexibility or maybe you just want have a good ole time…no matter what your mind and body needs, I got you.
Be sure to join me each week at Zensual Dance to work on your flexibility goals.
“Sometimes all you need is a slight shift in perspective to bring things into Focus.”
– Ashley Robinson
Wow, 2013 came and went quickly. And although I’m a little behind, I wanted to still take a moment to gather my thoughts and set some goals for 2014.
This time last year my life had changed dramatically and I didn’t know what was in store for me or my future. Despite the odds against me (mainly my own self-doubt) I made it through the year and was blessed to come out on top; not only ending the year happy but with even more than I could have ever imagined. With all of the good (and the bad) I can say that I experienced phenomenal growth in 2013 and I’m looking forward to an even better 2014.
My focus for this year is significantly different than it has been in the past, which I’m sure can be attributed to the changes I’ve seen in myself over the last year. In the past, I measured my success and happiness primarily by the significant gains in my finances. However, I’ve slowly discovered that there is so much more to life than money – regardless of how much stability you may THINK it brings. I now see just how much LOSS I suffered in my health and other areas of my life because of the work-a-holic tunnel vision that I had developed – or as I like to call it “SuperWoman Syndrome”. Now that’s not to say that I’m not still a driven business woman, but what I am saying is that I’ve learned take the time that I want and need for myself and the things that I like to do. I even have a sleep-life now…and while it might not be the recommended 7.5-8 hours/night, every night, it’s still a heck of a lot better than I was doing previously. In short, I’ve gained a better appreciation for my time and my energy. In return for what I’ve given myself and my body, I’ve gain back four times over.
With my new focus and new-found purpose in life, my goals this year are more health and fitness related. I will be working towards a more peaceful mind, a healthier lifestyle and an even better body! So my mantra for 2014 is: Mind Right. Body Right. Part of this entails continuing on the goals (turned habits) that I set for myself last year. These things were such an important factor in my personal transformation last year, that I know it is essential to continue with them so that I can continue to evolve.
And as I focus on my mind and my body this year, I really want to use part of that time to reflect on my past and better prepare myself for the future. I realize that I am so much:
A maturing woman
A dedicated girlfriend
A focused grad student (maintaining a 4.0 I might add!)
A hardworking freelancer
A thriving pole artist/competitor
I want to continue to grow and be better in each of these aspects of my life; to be the very best that I can be!
My body is also a big deal for me right now. My stomach is getting flatter, my thighs are getting smaller, my muscles are getting stronger and I’m letting my natural features and beauty take control. The last few years of my body transformation are really starting to show and I feel like I’m finally getting close to the beautiful body I see in my head. And what’s most fascinating is that the better it gets the more I want to work on it – which my trainer predicted when we started on this amazing journey. So I want to focus on getting my body in the best shape it can be. This starts with eliminating the last few layers of fat, getting stronger and toning so that my muscles can shine through.
I also want to take my fitness a step further. More than working out and making my body the best it can be, I also want to become more knowledgeable about health and fitness in general. I’ve already invested in several books to help me get started and I’m looking forward to doing some additional training and certifications in both fitness and pole.
So to be “SMART” with my goals for 2014, I will summarize them by saying I would like to complete the following by December 31st:
Finish Grad School
Figure out what I want to study/specialize in for my Ph.D. (and where I want to apply)
See my abs for the first time
Get my nails to a healthier state
Vacation in Vegas
Earn at least one new pole/fitness certification
Tryout for at least 3 pole competitions. (And hopefully get selected to compete in at least 1!)
Read 2 books a month. Or a minimum of 24 books by December 31st
Yesterday I started a new diet in hopes that I can finally get the rest of this weight off. I’m tired of being in this weight limbo, not knowing if I’m a fat skinny girl or a skinny fat girl…and not being able to buy new clothes that actually fit. So needless to say, I am really determined to finish up this weight loss journey. I’m on a low calorie diet which means that I really have to watch what I eat. Lots of veggies and chicken for protein, some fruit and water galore. Not being able to eat any of the foods I like (which includes french fries and bread) is dreadful but I know that this temporary sacrifice will be worth it in the end. While I’m not exactly sure what my final weight will be, I do hope that I can at least break 170 by end of this 21-day phase. Eventually I would like to get down to 150 but I’m going to take it one step at a time and focus on making it to the 160’s. To dedicate myself even more to my goal I have decided to find other healthy and positive changes that I can make in my life along the way. I am hoping that these additional changes (big and small) will help keep me focused, motivated and that they will result in a better me overall in the end.
Day One: New Diet. OK so much like everyone else I don’t really care for the word “Diet”…so let’s just say I’m cleaning up my eating and making better decisions in the kitchen. As I mentioned above, today marks the first day of my 21 days of change. The basis of this 21-day phases is to eliminate the rest of this weight – hopefully in time for my competitions. The from there I can get back on a regular training schedule so that I can tone up my body, get some abs and maybe even some more booty!
Day Two: Natural Nails. Over the last year I’ve really enjoyed getting a little wild and sexy with my nails – longer lengths, fancy designs, bold pink tones and more recently black tips. I guess it was my way of having a little personality and freedom at work (since Pink hair was out of the question lol). I really enjoyed wearing the long, bold and unique designs, but I also hate the pain that comes with breaking them. Instead of getting the plastic tips, I usually just get the colored powder over my own nails…which means when I break a nail: I REALLY BREAK A NAIL. I was on Pinterest the other day and came across a more natural looking style that I really liked so I decided to give it a try. And since I’m currently training for two upcoming competitions I decided to go shorter as well.
Day Three: New Shoes. New Brand. A peek in the gym section of my closet will tell the tale of a woman that adores her NIKE gear. Pretty much all of the gym clothes and shoes I buy are NIKE…except for a few pieces of Under Armour that I really like. I had a gift certificate for DSW and finally decided to go check out their shoe selection. Since my focus is currently on getting fit, I decided to go with what I needed most: comfortable gym shoes. No normally, it’s NIKE or nothing, but today I decided to try on something different…and to my surprise I really liked they way they felt. And they were PINK! While I’m not giving up my love for NIKE gear, I think I may be a little more open to trying out other brands of gear.
Day Four: New Tunes. I’m a big fan of music. I listen to music all day everyday and I actually don’t think I could survive without it lol. And I have an even bigger appreciation for musical variety since I’ve been pole dancing. Many times I find myself listening to a song while planning a routine or thinking of what moves would fit best “here” and “there”. So needless to say that it’s always a great day when I discover new music and new artists. Today is one of those days. I came across an artist by the name of Emeli Sandé and I am totally diggin her vibe. After one of her tunes caught my ear (and my SoundHound) I decided to look her up on iTunes and sample her album…I instantly fell in love and added it to my collection.
Day Five: PoshMark. Today I discovered PoshMark. It’s a new iPhone app that is designed for individuals that want to buy, sale and trade clothing and accessories…basically like an eBay for Fashion. This app makes it easy for you to shop other people’s closets from anywhere. The items range from gently-used clothes, new clothes that are no longer wanted, new clothes that didn’t fit properly and an endless supply of new and gently-used accessories. What’s really neat is that it’s built in the form of social media where you can make posts, set up parties, upload pictures, comment and chat about the various items. I’m a big fan of online shopping myself, so I think this is a really neat way to clean out and add to your closet. And I think it just might come in handy in the near future with cleaning out my closet since many of my clothes no longer fit.
Day Six: Homemade Strawberry Lemonade. With the diet I’m on, my options for snacks and drinks are seriously limited…well more like nonexistent However in addition to an unlimited amount of water, there are a few fruits that I’m able to have (in moderation of course). I decided to use my fruit options to make a fresh and yummy lemonade…and to give myself just a “taste” of something other than water. I used strawberries, lemon, ice, water and stevia to create this quick and easy drink. I simply cut up a few strawberries and added them to my tumbler cup, along with some fresh squeezed lemon juice, the ice and a few packets of Stevia…just for a little natural sweetness. Super good and still healthy! I actually found an article last week on how to create your own naturally flavored water using various fruits and herbs. Once my diet is up and I can consume some additional fruits I think I’m going to give a few of the recipes mentioned in that article a try!
Day Seven: AM Pole Class. Typically my schedule keeps me on the GO 24/7, which means that I don’t usually have as much free time and pole time as I’d like. Right now I’m lucky to have just a little bit of ME time each day that I’m able to steal for myself although I usually end losing it back to work in the middle of the night. With my ME time today, I decided to go check out a morning pole class at The Girls Room – Frisco for the first time. With the exception of a few Saturdays, I’ve only every poled at night. So being able to take a class during the day was new and exciting. Being able to pole so early in day actually made for a really great start to my day. The class was small but lively. I was able to get in there and really focus on tackling some moves that needed my attention. This is definitely something that I want to try and do more often!
Day Eight: Sweet Treat. Being limited in my food options during this 21 day phase is starting to take its toll. I miss food variety and eating what I want, when I want. While I know that having a clean and healthy diet is best for me, I’m still human (and a woman) and have those sweet cravings. I’ve been eating a handful of strawberries as a snack here and there, but tonight I thought I’d try and sweeten them up just a bit to help with my sugar craving. Since I am able to have Truvia and Stevia sweeteners, I decided to sprinkle a bit over my bowl of strawberries and boy was it Yummy!
Day Nine: Closet Organization. My closet is one of those places in my house that gets a lot of action. Typically, I’m buying new things and trying to make room for it in one of my closets – which are all pretty packed. But lately I’ve found myself getting rid of a lot of things that are now too big and no longer fit (yay weight loss!). So while doing laundry today I went on a cleaning binge and decided to organize my drawers…which have spent the last few months packed with unfolded clothes. I’m happy to now have a little less clothing clutter and more organization and order in my closet.
Day Ten: Watch Lust. In the past I’ve never been much of a watch fan. I’ve had plenty of nice ones but never really wore them. Then last year I bought a nice Rolex for that special man in my life and have been a little envious of his new piece ever since…it just looks so damn good around his wrist! In addition to the physical transformation of my body, I’ve also noticed that my style is starting to change and mature as well. Which is probably why I really want some dazzling wrist gear of my own. Then by chance today I ran across an image of a watch that I’d seen a few months back and realized just how much I liked that watch. I love the fact that it has both PINK and diamonds. I’m thinking that I might add this to my accessory wardrobe to help further evolve my new style and look 🙂
Day Eleven: Stage Poling…and in public. Last night one of my pole sisters invited me to a local event she was performing at that featured a handful of fun local bands. The invitation to tag along gave me the opportunity to practice poling on a stage pole and performing in front of a crowd…of people that I don’t know. In the past I might have strayed away from the opportunity but I decided that I needed to do it. I have two competitions coming up in March and one of them will be using stage poles, so this was a great chance for me to really test out my courage and ability to perform on a mobile pole. I’m glad that I didn’t pass up the event because I was able to run through my list of tricks that I was considering for competition and get some real practice experience on the stage pole. I might even invest in my own stage pole in the future.
Day Twelve: Aerial Yoga. I’ve been trying to make sure that I’m being active every day, which means cardio, pole or dance of some sort. This morning I decided to check out the Aerial Yoga class at Vertical Fitness Dallas and OMG it was amazing! It was the perfect blend of stretching and strength – without the usual pressure that traditional yoga puts on my feet. And when you’ve had 4 broken feet and had surgery to put in a screw then any foot-friendly workout opens a window of new opportunity and possibility. I was able to get in a great stretch to undo some of the damage of last week’s workouts, worked my core and enjoyed some relaxation. I’ve already signed up for class again next weekend and I’m looking forward to making Aerial Yoga a part of my weekly routine and my ME time.
Day Thirteen: Snacks! Decided to try out a yummy snack idea to help calm some of my cravings. Since I am not able to go out to a mexican food restaurant and enjoy a bowl full of chips with salsa and guacamole, I came up with a pretty good, easy-to-make substitute. My version of chips and guacamole uses wheat Melba toast topped with home-made avocado spread. To create the spread, I mixed avocado, lime, cilantro, onion, pepper, cayenne red pepper, and minced garlic together. It was a great way to get a taste for what I’d been missing…without going overboard.
Day Fourteen: Handstand Variation. I’m part of a group on Facebook called Dallas Handstand February. Everyone in the group is dedicating February to working on their handstands. This is a great way for those that are new to get started and for those that are already experienced to really push themselves to the next level. Today I was able to push myself to a new level with this handstand variation that includes a super back arch. Despite being super sore I felt accomplished. I am still hoping to get my handstand balance (no wall) back soon…haven’t been able to do that in years.
Day Fifteen: Inversions and Conditioning Class. To help myself get prepared for my upcoming pole fitness competitions, I’ve been attending pole and dance classes daily. Tonight I decided to try out the new Inversions and Conditioning class at Vertical Fitness Dallas. We started off with a 10 minute run, then moved on to some light weight lifting and then finished off with a few really awesome pole combos. I really liked that the class had a mix of pole and a real gym workout. I was especially excited about the pole combos that we learned, which included a run that I’d seen Amy Henderson do at her Burlesque performance. Now my attempts at the combo drop weren’t nearly as awesome as hers [Amy], but I’ve got the mechanics down and now I just need to work on cleaning it up.
Day Sixteen: More FOOD! Being on this VLCD diet and trying to come up with snack and food ideas that don’t violate my diet has reminded me of how much I really like to cook. Over the last couple of years I’ve been lucky enough to have a special guy in my life that also likes to cook and handles most of our meals…but now I’m back in the kitchen and loving it! Tonight I took my daily chicken lunch/dinner and added in some bell peppers and onions. I cooked the pepper and onion blend on the stove and then added in the chicken and a little avocado on top. It was a nice change from my usual chicken and asparagus matchup…not as good as a plate full of sizzling fajitas but still yummy!
Day Seventeen: They FIT. This is actually more of a celebration post. Last night I decided to try on a pair of old (as in I bought them two years ago) but new (as in, I’ve never worn them) shorts. I bought these shorts about two years ago and couldn’t get them up around my thighs and over my bum. I’m usually a big picture freak and take pictures of myself daily, but for some reason during this 21 day phase I’ve been either a little camera shy, lazy or just more focused on food and working out. So anyways, I randomly decided to try on these shorts – figuring that would be a true test of my progress…way better than a picture right?!? And to my surprise they FIT! So excited that I wore them to pole class. Celebrating my success! Mission get fit or die trying.
Day Eighteen: Aerial Yoga Saturdays. So today I went to my second aerial yoga class at VFD and fell in love with it all over again. Today was more challenging for me than last week’s class. I know that part of it was because I was tired and feeling weak from the diet and all of the physical activity I’ve been doing. But this class is so helpful and rehabilitating. Once school starts back I won’t be able to go to the Saturday classes, so I’m going to enjoy them as much as I can for now. At least I have the sunday classes!
Day Nineteen: Leg warmers and Leggings. So my last few classes I’ve been wearing leggings…mostly because that’s all that fits these days (yay weight loss). Anyways, I’ve found that I’m really liking the combination of leggings and long leg warmers to dance in, and as long as I’m not doing any serious pole work that requires leg to pole contact then I’ve been able to get away with my new look in my dance and pole classes. It actually works out great for Aerial Yoga as well, as some of the poses we end up in will make the silks tug and pull on your skin in uncomfortable ways. To top it all off I threw on my heels today and really set the look off. Loving the my new pole style…it makes me feel super sexy.
Day Twenty: New Sites and New Ventures.I have a couple of new projects that I’m working in for my pole adventures and also my photography. One of them (FreeStyle Friday) is already in motion and the other in still in the planning phase. I am super excited because I’ve been keeping a log of notes and plans for both (a mix of sticky post-it notes all around my house and also on my phone and iPad) and I can finally see that things are coming together very well. I am looking forward to really getting these ventures off the ground, sharing them with you all and watching them grow!
Day Twenty-One: 10 Pounds Down. Today is a day of accomplishment. During my 21 days of change I was able to drop 10 pounds and reach another milestone in my weight loss. The last few weeks have been challenging and tiring. I worked really hard to stay active and keep my workouts intense. The change in my diet had its ups and downs…and some intense moments of cravings. Thankfully I didn’t fall off course too much and was able to stay focused and achieve this wonderful goal. I’m going to take a few days off and then go at it again. If I can lose 15-20 more pounds and tone up I think my body will definitely be beach and pole ready!