What are your plans for 2022?
2022 is literally right around the corner and this is the time where most of us usually start to list out things we’d like to accomplish in the next year. While personally I don’t believe that you have to have a major symbolic moment to start on new goals, I can definitely appreciate the rejuvenating effect something like “The New Year” can have on people. I want to take a moment to think about why some people are successful in reaching set goals, but others are not.
I think it comes down to being specific and realistic. It’s very easy to declare a desire to have a million dollars, meet a celebrity, get a good job, or the all time favorite “get in shape”, but what do any of these really mean and what do they look like? Meaning, how will you know when you get there? If we start off with a goal that is vague and not realistic, we will be less likely to keep pressing when times get tough, and we’ll be even less likely to reach that goal because it’s just a mental blob.
Whatever you set out to do in the near year, I want to see you be successful. So I want to share something that you’ve probably heard of a million times before, but I hope that if you’re not already using it then this time around hearing it will make al the difference for you. This is what successful people do when it comes to setting goals: they follow the SMART formula.

∙ Mesurable.This is a way to track your progress. It may include answering and reflecting on things like: How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?
∙ Achievable. Make sure that your gaol is realistic and reasonable. It should be something that is possible to accomplish with your current skills, reach, access, abilities, etc.
∙ Relevant. Why does this goal matter to you? How is it connected to you. We are more likely to be successful if the goal means something to us on a personal level.
∙ Time-bound. There needs to be a specific window of time for accomplishing your goal. It could be a specific day of the year or an interval of 30 days, 60 days or by the end of the year.

A few additional tips when it comes to setting goals:
1. Don’t skip any of the SMART formula steps. If you follow this formula you’ll know what you set out to do will be achievable so you have a higher chance of sticking with them and succeeding.
2. Be sure to document your progress towards your goals throughout the year with photos, videos and/or journaling.
3. Make sure you celebrate every little milestone along the way.
If you follow the formula above, it’ll serve as a map for achieving your goal and evaluating your progress along the way. And remember, no matter what you set out to do this year on the ground, in the air or in life, I am here to help!
Need help setting goals or creating a training routine? Let me know and we can set up a coaching session to help you with setting goals and making an action plan.