Over this past weekend I had the opportunity to participate in the Xpert Pole Fitness training program, held at the Miss Texas Pole Star convention here in Dallas. This experience was so fulfilling and foundational to my growth and development as a pole fitness athlete. It is definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made for my pole fitness and my overall fitness journey.
I first heard about the Xpert training program from my friend and fellow pole sister – Karen. Hearing about the training and her experience made me want to do the program as well. When I made the decision to invest in the Xpert training, it wasn’t with the intention to become an instructor…rather, my hope was to strengthen my own foundation so that I would have the tools necessary to refine and advance my skills. What I got was that and so much more! The two-day experience was more than just training, it was hands-on interaction. Day one was all about the basics: safety, pole types, grip types, stretching/warm ups and the mechanics of proper spotting for basic pole moves. On day two we focused on intermediate skills and also participated in a hand-on exam and a written exam. The amount of practice you get during the training really helps to reinforce the information we were taking in. In addition to learning from Marlo Fisken (who is amazing) I was also able to observe the teaching techniques and styles of the other participants. More than how to do things, we learned how and why they should be done a certain way. We explored anatomy and the mechanics of how our work when executing pole moves and stretches.
While I don’t have any immediate plans to become an instructor (I am enjoying being a student and just working on my own growth) I do feel like I now have the key tools to help me one day become a great instructor. Just today I was able to visually deconstruct a trick and then figure out several ways to get into the trick…not something that would have come so easy if I hadn’t done Xpert.
The Xpert training program is accredited by AFAA and ACE and endorsed by the PFA.