Flex From HomeWork: Week Two
Who completed your week one Flex From HomeWork?!? Week one was about setting your space and gathering the toys you’ll need to help you on your FlexyFit journey with me. If you missed it, go ahead and start here then come back to this post!
Before we begin, go ahead and pat yourself on the back for embarking on this adventure and already knocking out your first assignment! I know many of you are curious about what to expect week-to-week, so I’m going to fill you in on the FlexPath first and then we’ll jump into this week’s work. Your Flex From HomeWork will be a mix of active “hands-on” work (stretches, stability/mobility work and conditioning exercises) and some mentally stimulating activities including: reflecting, brainstorming and journaling work. (Yes, I’m going to make you think just a little bit!) Why you ask? I feel like the most important part of anything you do in life is not just the act/action of doing it, but rather the understanding behind why it needs to be done and the proper way to do it. That being said, this week’s work has two parts. And I know it’s Thanksgiving weekend so I’ll keep it short and sweet!
Part One: Tell me your secrets!
- What is your favorite stretch (or body part to stretch) and why? Chances are you find yourself falling into this stretch more often than not. We tend to think: it looks good, it feels good, it smells like success…so let’s keep doing it.
- What is your least favorite stretch (or body part to stretch) and why? We tend to stray away from what doesn’t feel good or what we think doesn’t look good when really this is exactly what we need to be working on.
- Which is your better side, left or right? Mine is my right! My left side feels like it’s full of evil lol. To help us get out of our comfort zones and balance out those sides, we are always going to give our “bad” side an extra 10-15 seconds (or one additional round) when holding a passive or active stretch and 5 additional reps when doing any type of ballistic stretching or conditioning with reps.
Part Two: Show time!
I want you to take a photo or video of your favorite and least favorite stretch. While you don’t have to post this online, I would like for you to send it to me and also save it for your future progress reports.
Extra Credit: For those that can find time this week, I want you to go through this mini forward fold and active standing split series.
- 30 second forward fold with hands resting on shins
- 30 second forward fold with hands resting on floor
- 10 calf raises (from forward fold) x2
- 30 second balance on each side. Lift one leg, keep knee pointed towards the ground and toes pointed up towards the ceiling.
- 10 leg pulses on each side x2
- 30 second active split hold on each side.
Tips for success:
- There is a lot of balance involved so be sure to keep your core tight.
- When you fold, imagine there is a bar resting along your hips. You want to keep your back long and try and get your belly button over that bar as your fold forward. This way the fold is at the hips and stretches the hamstrings, rather than being in the upper-mid back…or as I like to call it, that sexy hunch back.
- If you’re not able to reach the floor, no worries! Just grab your yoga blocks and place your hands on those for a helpful boost!
- Don’t forget to breath!